All 15Zine Homepage modules & widgets

This demo page has every module included with the 15Zine homepage drag and drop builder and every widget created or styled for 15Zine. With all the different widgets, module designs and options, it is super easy to create an exciting, modern unique homepage tailored to your needs.

Modules have various filters too, depending on the module, you can find: Filter to show specific posts (by category/tag/post name), offset, number of posts to show, subtitle, title, order (Latest/oldest/random).

There is also another blog style block option (you can choose the blog style to use) with pagination that can be added to the end of the homepage.

Module A

This is an optional subtitle

La statistica ufficiale nel tempo dell’Intelligenza Artificiale

3-4 luglio 2024 Centro Congressi Roma Eventi Piazza della Pilotta, 4 | Roma La quindicesima edizione della Conferenza Nazionale di Statis...

Energia. Indicatori territoriali per le politiche di sviluppo.

L’indicatore che misura la frequenza delle interruzioni accidentali lunghe del servizio elettrico (1) (numero medio per utente) in Umbria, n...

Le esportazioni delle regioni italiane – I trimestre 2024

Nel periodo gennaio-marzo 2024, la diminuzione su base annua dell’export nazionale in valore (-2,8%) mostra marcate differenziazioni territo...

Grid of 4

This is an optional subtitle

Grid of 5

This is an optional subtitle

Grid of 6

This is an optional subtitle

Slider A

This is an optional subtitle

Slider B

This is an optional subtitle

Slider C

This is an optional subtitle

Optional title for Ad

Screen Wide Slider

Custom Code

A 50% width custom code module

You can use this module to enter shortcodes/custom code somewhere on your homepage.
Optional title for Ad
Optional title for Ad

Custom Code

This is an optional subtitle

You can use this module to enter shortcodes/custom code somewhere on your homepage.

Custom Code

This is an optional subtitle

You can use this module to enter shortcodes/custom code somewhere on your homepage.